Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 6, 2012


Today we will start to build the connexion between the body and the head.
I will show one control who need to do often (all the time) and learn week by week to anticipate this kind of issue = Waves in your "fictives" in french, theorical edges...

All of the surfaces were build "quickly" to show if it looks like to go on the good way, for this shape I thank to build 2 theorical edges come from the head and follow the connexion for deseaper on the body...

You need to keep in mind, the most difficult when you work on the Class A quality and generaly for the A-Surface is to define the patch layout structure, also do not hesitate to build something first and step by step, minutes by minutes, redo and redo your patch layout structure.

When you are finalize your quick surface you need to check how is your shape according to the request, scan, styling aspect... In my case I found one mistake how I need correct before finalise the data.

Did you saw? I put some arrow to show you the issue I would like to show you... That is WHY I like to build my shape (A-Surface) with theorical edges to see all this kind of mistakes, to parallele, to narrow sometimes, big and small in the same portion (in our case) etc.

I will take some time later to redo this part and show you how to do the finale radii and normaly our A-Surface should be done... We will see!

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