Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 2, 2012

Magazines. It gets worse...

So, I was listening to NPR the other day (just trying to hear Mitt Romney's gaffe-of-the-day, or maybe get the latest Comintern update) when they broadcast a report on human slavery in the U.S. Given the subject, I expect to hear stories of human trafficking related to the sex trade or farm labor, but the 'industry' they seemed to talk about the most was door-to-door magazine sales.
Although the life of the slave's been romanticized in movies...
...the actual history of slavery's less attractive. And in fact, it's possible that a modern slave, working on a magazine sales crew, might pass essentially undetected in suburbia.

Since I used to work for motorcycle magazines here in the U.S. (full disclosure: I still do write a column for the UK magazine Classic Bike) I know that many subscription deals are essentially loss leaders -- the amount of money, if any, that comes back to the magazine is less than the cost of mailing out the magazines, but the nominal increase in 'subscribers' boosts the advertising rate base.

I also used to work in the ad business, so don't get me started on the advertising value of a subscriber who pays "pennies an issue!" for your magazine. What evidence can magazines present to advertisers that such subscribers care about the magazine's contents or can even be bothered to flip through it?

But, I digress... I thought, how fucking desperate is the magazine that does business with these sleazeballs?

I should have guessed that something was up with those 'sales crews'. The only time I ever encountered one, it came in the form of an inner-city teenaged girl who claimed to go to a local school (impossible, given my address) and who became abusive when I politely told her that I was not interested.

I never got to the point in that transaction where I really looked at what magazines she was offering me. So I don't know whether any of the 'big' U.S. motorcycle mags were on her list. Although they should know better, major publishers do actually let real fucking scammers sell subs for them. Typically, publishing execs plead ignorance, when it comes to which 'clearing houses' they use to sell subs and how those clearing houses recruit sales crews. I certainly don't have any contacts high enough in the business hierarchies of Bonnier Corp., which owns Cycle World or Source Interlink (Motorcyclist) to find out whether they are selling subs this way. And my contacts on the Editorial side of those mags certainly wouldn't know.

But maybe some Backmarker reader does know. Has anyone out there answered their door, and been subjected to a high-pressure/BS sales pitch for a magazine subscription, and had the menu of magazines on offer include motorcycle magazines? If so, please contact me, eh?



Ferrari F12 Berlinetta

















R&D Project Presentation: S(P)EEDKITS

S(P)EEDKITS is a large scale humanitarian R&D project to start on the 1st of March 2012 dealing with the improvement of emergency response units and tools.

Humanitarian organisations like the Red Cross have sleeping emergency response units (ERU), which start acting immediately after disaster strikes. Each ERU has a specific function, e.g. medical care, sanitation, energy provision, or water supply.

This project will provide kits that can be pre-positioned and mobilized very quickly and easily, that are modular and adaptable, low cost, high-tech in their conception but low-tech in use. These anticipated kits can literally improve the lives of millions of peoples the first hours, days and weeks after a major disaster and this for years to come.

Some specific goals:
Current equipment solutions will be scanned and bottlenecks with respect to large volumes and/or heavy weight will be identified. Then, novel materials and concepts will be developed to drastically reduce the volume and weight for transportation. Examples of targeted innovations: lightweight but durable and thermally isolating tent materials, novel concepts for energy supply (biogas), light weight textiles to store and distribute water and smart packaging of materials. Settlement kit modules will be developed that can be used for debris recuperation and re-use of damaged facilities.

The managing lead of the project is Centexbel, while the IFRC SRU will safeguard the overall quality and relevance to the practice of disaster response. Other end-users, knowledge centres, companies and universities in the consortium are the Norwegian Refugee Council, Artsen Zonder Grenzen, The Netherlands Red Cross, Waste, Practica, Sioen Industries, D’Appolonia, De Mobiele Fabriek, IBBK, Millson BV, Free University Brussels, Technical University Eindhoven and the Politecnico di Milano.

The project will start in March 2012 and will last for 4 years.

Project funded by the EC via FP7


Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 2, 2012

News - Frameweb

Van der Ende uses his method to conjure up dark industrial and space age imagery.News - Frameweb

Dry land river reading activity

Smurf avoids the hydraulic with the log stuck in it.
Our 10-week spring kayaking class at the local YMCA is almost over. We've spent time teaching rolling and basic strokes in a small pool augmented only by slalom gates and our own imaginations. Some of our activities are of our own creation, but one we owe entirely to Tom Lindblade, president of the Illinois Paddling Council, instructor trainer for countless canoe instructors, instructor to countless canoe students, advocate for local waterways and short, a mentor to us all.

It's the "river in a box." Simply put, it's a long piece of denim on a gradient with some pieces of yarn and a bunch of rocks, sticks and other river accessories. Ours also features pillow stuffing to simulate whitewater, and a Smurf paddler with an awesome helmet you can't buy in any larger size.

After showing a short film clip about river reading and talking about river features, how they're created and how they affect paddlers, we had our students create the river banks and eddy lines with the yarn and place the rocks, twigs and stuffing on the river. Then we looked at what our Smurf would experience as he headed down the river, choosing safe routes and play spots.

R&D Project Presentation: Reciproboo Shelter Kit

Our goal is to see the simple, but extremely strong, reciprocal frame roof concept adopted worldwide as a framing solution for the hundreds of thousands of relief tarpaulins delivered each year by Aid Agencies.

Specifically we see the steel kit as a first phase emergency shelter that will also encourage the use of sustainable bamboo resources worldwide.

The 4 pole reciprocal frame in the Reciproboo roof design is the most efficient means of spanning a roof, using 33% less steel then conventional tent frames.  This remarkable fact is at the heart of the design of the ReciproBoo shelter.

By simply overlapping 4 standard steel poles in turn, the advantages of this little known, but well proven, construction concept are becoming clear. Our work with steel has discovered that this reciprocal frame, when cross-lashed with only a couple of metres of sisal twine, has special physical advantages, when inclined as a roof for shelter construction.

For attaching ropes to the end of poles we designed a simple steel hook, that can be made from a standard steel tent peg and doubles as a ridge pole support. It was then possible to replace 3 of the side poles with ropes, thereby saving a considerable amount of steel. This single ridge pole together with its opposite counterpart “the ground”, perform as two trusses to create a rigid roof frame. The result is a unique shelter roof that self-supports a huge loading of available insulation materials making it cooler in the tropics or warmer at altitude. Using no high-tech fittings (all materials are already available in the relief sector), the shelter can be easily repaired, worked on and elevated by beneficiaries. For additional shelter benefits and details see

After an independent successful workshop in Sudan and University Engineering projects now underway, we expect this framing solution to be soon widely adopted.

We see our role, as a not for profit group, to share and coordinate this increasing international interest.  As all the components are already available we believe there is an opportunity for an NGO, working with a commercial interest if necessary, to assemble and distribute the Reciproboo shelter kit in the near future.

A Reciproboo shelter kit (including 2 tarpaulins) costs US$ 46.

Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 2, 2012

Wish they all could be Chernobyl girls…

It's been a few weeks now that my posting rate's been below par here on Trust me, I've got a good excuse or two -- I'm distracted by a couple of big projects in development, and hope to have a an interesting announcement or two soon.

In the meantime, I'm going to recycle the odd story that seems worthwhile, including a few that may be old enough to have been genuinely forgotten by long-time readers, or which new readers may never have encountered. Once such story is that of Elena Filatova. I first encountered that name a few years ago. I say “encountered that name” because I haven’t encountered her in the flesh. Nor has anyone I know. But I was suddenly reminded of her the other day when, as I was searching through some old emails for an unrelated reason, I came across one with this photo attached...

Her looks didn't hurt my desire to believe that Filatova's story was authentic. I desperately wanted Motorcyclist, where I worked in 2004, to assign me a feature story about her, that would involve going for a ride with her. Those were the days when a big motorcycle magazine might, conceivably, have actually had the budget to send a writer half-way around the world. Seems like so long ago... .
Filatova was curiously famous–an internet phenomenon before the heyday of YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter. In 2004 her website generated millions of hits. It told the story of a thirty-something woman who lived in the Ukraine and who rode her Kawasaki ZX-11 around on the deserted roads of the “dead zone” around Chernobyl.
Very early in the morning of April 26, 1986 the nuclear power station in Chernobyl in the Soviet Socialist Republic of the Ukraine blew up. A massive radioactive cloud drifted over the western part of the USSR and much of Europe. Several hundred thousand people were evacuated from parts of the Ukraine and Belarus. The official Soviet death toll was only 31 people–mostly firefighters and helicopter crews who heroically attempted to limit the release of radiation in the days after the explosion. Later estimates, however, suggest that about ten thousand people have died (or will die) of cancers caused by their exposure to Chernobyl’s fallout.
Officially, the zone where the fallout was worst, about 20 miles in all directions from the reactor, was permanently evacuated and remains largely empty. According to her blog, Elana Filatova first visited the zone in the early ’90s. She was drawn to return by the area’s air of mystery and by the deserted roads, where she could ride her motorcycle as fast as she wanted. She wrote that regardless of the official statements, there are thousands of abandoned towns, as far as 150 miles from the reactor site.
Call me an incurable romantic, but the idea of this dark beauty riding a fast bike through those ghostly, deserted forests and empty towns totally fascinated me. She wrote of wolves and wild boar crossing the roads, paying no attention to her at all as they’d lived their whole lives without humans to fear. And of visiting the abandoned motorcycle shop in Pripyat, the city nearest the reactor. I was not surprised that millions of people visited her website. When I first heard about her, I was working for Motorcyclist Magazine and I tried to reach for an interview her, at the very least. Not so secretly, I hoped that the editor might even approve a trip over there so I could go for a ride on, er make that 'with' her. But I never got a reply to my emails.
Like a lot of people, I started to wonder whether she was real. On her own website she admitted that many people believed she was a figment of someone’s imagination. Why would a Ukrainian write in English–and conspicuously good English at that? The story was almost too good to be true.

On the other hand, why go to all that trouble? There were no ads on the site, no requests for money; if it was a piece of anti-nuclear activism, it’s probably too subtle to be effective. The site’s not even copyrighted; the author openly invites anyone to reproduce the content. No one seems to be making any money on it. Somehow the loving, detailed description of her motorcycle and the way she modded it made me think she was for real.

So what was her story? After my emails went unanswered, I wrote to the snail mail address on her site and never had a reply. If you trust Wikipedia, her myth's essentially been busted; the consensus seems to be that she is a real person, but that the lone, high-speed motorcycle rides through the Chernobyl death zone were fictional. According to a Chernobyl tour guide (which is, in itself, quite a thought) she took a bus tour through the zone, and posed for pictures.

What about Fukushima, I wonder? Are there any Japanese versions of Filatova riding those roads?

"Alphabet Topography" is A-Z in 3D - Core77

SynopticOffice3.pngSynopticOffice2.pngSynopticOffice1.png"Alphabet Topography" is A-Z in 3D - Core77

Gordon Stewart - SolidWorks World 2012 Model Mania Winner

Congratulations to our Application Engineer/Instructor and CSWE, Gordon Stewart, for winning a place in the SolidWorks World 2012 Model Mania competition.  Completing the challenge in just over 11 minutes, Gordon came in third position out of more than 200 contestants.  It's always good to know you're being trained by one of the best!

Here's Gordon heading up on stage with the other winners and the solution to the problem they had to solve.  If you want to try the SolidWorks World 2012 Model Mania competition yourself, refrain from watching this video until you've attempted it.

How to try model mania for yourself.

Download part 1 and part 2

Print off both eDrawings.  Do not look at the second one yet.

You can examine the first for a few minutes before deciding how you are going to model it up. 
Once you are ready, start a 20 minute countdown.

Model up the part as per the drawing.  Once you are satisfied that you have finished that section you can then go to part 2.

Once started the clock does not stop.  Look at the second eDrawing and you will see the changes that need to be carried out as well as a quick SimulationXpress study.

The time stops when you have the Factor of Safety value from the study.

SolidWorks CSWA/CSWP

If you're a SolidWorks user then you'll probably know about the different certifications available.  The CSWA (Certified SolidWorks Associate) and CSWP (Certified SolidWorks Professional) titles are proof that you have successfully passed the exam from SolidWorks for the appropriate level. These certifications can give you a step up on the career ladder or allow you to stand out in today's competitive job market.  SolidWorks recently announced that certifications have exceeded 50,000!

The exams themselves have a time limit of around 3 hours, testing various skills such as sketch tools, mass properties, assemblies and configurations.  You might be thinking that testing and certification could be expensive, but if you have a current SolidWorks subscription then it won't cost you a penny for the first exam.  The topics covered for each certification can be found on our website here CSWA/CSWP

Get certified and stand out from the crowd!

BMW Hydrogen 7 - Dual fuel - Petrol/Hydrogen limited production car

"Water is the coal of the future. The energy of tomorrow is water which has been broken down by electrical current. The elements of water thus released - hydrogen and oxygen - will secure the earth's energy supply indefinitely" - Jules Verne 1874.

All seems to have gone quiet on the 'Hydrogen for cars' front recently - well at least as far as the major Automobile manufacturers are concerned - So a little refresher on one of the more exciting developments is in order.

This 7-series BMW is a Bi-fuel car being able to use both petrol and liquid Hydrogen in it's Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). BMW did extensive research starting in the 1970's and culminating with a 12 cylinder test vehicle (which set 9 FIA sanctioned world records for Hydrogen powered cars!) called HR2, before committing to building this vehicle in series production in 2007.

It's  260HP V12 has been re-mapped from the standard petrol engine and configured to work with the Hydrogen fuel. Interesting to note that it produces significantly less power than it's petrol only counterpart, and significantly fewer emissions - in fact when running on Hydrogen it produces virtually zero emissions.

In 2007 the 100 or so produced were loaned to high profile individuals, and, as is the usual fate of this type of vehicle, it will probably be crushed when it is re-called by BMW.

View video of the Hydrogen 7 below:

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 2, 2012






















吃很不怎樣的白木屋= =












阿貓: 我揍你歐~~~~














在我床上= =


Infiniti Emerg-E Concept

好銳利的線條= =










Shadoline Board

Shadoline Board

893 Princes Highway

Springvale VIC 3171
Po Box 1054
Clayton South Vic 3169

Ph: 03 9567 7200
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Wintec UlltraClad� Design Flexibility - Standard Weatherboards, Baby Corrugated, T Board and Vertical Plank Cladding

Cad Downloads, Installation Instructions, BRANZ Appraisals & Brochures for Wintec UlltraClad® CladdingAluminium cladding profilesWintec UlltraClad� Design Flexibility - Standard Weatherboards, Baby Corrugated, T Board and Vertical Plank Cladding

Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 2, 2012

Olson Kundig Architects - Projects - Rolling Huts

Rolling HutsOlson Kundig Architects - Projects - Rolling Huts

Suzuki G70 concept - Fuel efficient concept car

First seen at the 2011 Tokyo Motor Show and called the Regina, this Suzuki was rolled out again at the Geneva Motor Show as the G70 concept.

It's looks will, no doubt, cause some heated debate, the rear end seems influenced by Post-war Citroens, whilst the front has got some sort of angry cartoon face, complete with eyelashes!

Suzuki are billing this as a 'world-car' fitted with an 800cc Turbocharged engine, which will attract tax advantages in some Asian markets, front-wheel drive, stop-start technology, ultra-low weight (730KG) and slippery aero-dynamics help this little Suzuki to attain a very low 70g/km CO2 emissions, hence the name change from Regina to G70.

Video from the motor show can be found here:

Why we love the draw stroke

Poor devils.

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