This started with a bit of mistake. I put on the sheer line strip and got two more strips on the forms and realized I should have have pushed the sheerline tighter to the bow so it follows the sheerline from the tip of the bow to the tip of the stern. I removed these strips.
You can kind of see the sheer line in the picture. I refit it and it now lines up correctly from bow to stern. I have since finished stripping the hull and have started stripping the deck. One of the biggest problems I have had is getting the strips to stay firm against the forms. I made a bunch of wooden clamps so I would not have to put staple holes in the strips (stapling the strips to the forms) but it was harder than I thought to get them to stay in place. However, the shape of the hull still turned and good just not as tight as I'd like. I also had some problems because all my strips were not as precisely a 1/4 inch as they should be which created some gaps when I fit them together. Therefore, I'm going to have a quite a few places where I am going to need to put in filler.
As you can see, I have found masking tape to be a big help in the absence of staples. I can at least tape things together until it dries. Remove the tape and do the next strip. In the end, I have learned two things. First, I would have milled the strips more precisely (I got too careless) and second I would use staples.
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