Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 1, 2008

What I'm Reading

There's a new feature here at which I've called "What I'm Reading." I have been wanting for some time now to add a list of books that I'm reading to my web presence with the occasional book review. I've finally taken a step towards implementing this. On the sidebar on the right I've added the "What I'm Reading" heading. Under that heading you will find a list of what is currently or has recently been on my bedside table with links to a post specific for that book. My intention is to write some of my comments on that particular book which will show up as it's own post here in the blog. I'll use the tag "books" so you should be able to use that tag to find all of the book posts easily once I figure out how to set that up.

The first book for the list will be Late Nights On Air by Elizabeth Hay.

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