Saskatoon Canoe Club boatbuilding workshop held on Feb 3rd was a
great success if I do say so myself. We had a turn-out of approximately 25 people which was a nice number for the space. We could have coped with 35 or so people but beyond that things would start getting crowded. Thank you to Heather for allowing me to post some of her photos here. For more photos, visit the
Kisseynew Canoe Company web site, and
Warren Long's album. The event was attended by experienced builders, aspiring builders, struggling builders and paddlers of all sorts. We even had 50% of the famous rockabilly band,
Five Star Homeless.
The photos below are all taken by and courtesy of Heather Dunning. For the larger versions and more photos, view the full album on the Kisseynew Canoe Company web site..
Above: Yours truly welcoming participants and introducing the first speaker of the day. My kayak can be seen hanging in the upper left.
Above: Carl describes aspects of building his Waters Dancing stitch & glue kayaks.
Above: I am introducing Jesse who told us about some of the more challenging aspects of building a skin-on-frame baidarka.
Above: Martin & Gordon (?) of Kisseynew Canoe Company demo steam bending stems. That's a pair of record-breaking paddlers you are looking at by the way.
Above: Martin demonstrates fiberglass & epoxy techniques. Martin was incredibly well prepared and had built a panel to demonstrate (from right to left) wet-out of the glass cloth, filling the weave, and applying a 3rd coat of epoxy.
Thank you to everyone for coming, to Martin Bernardin &
Kisseynew Canoe Company for hosting the event, and to Jesse, Carl & Martin for teaching us all a few things. The presentations were interesting and informative. Thanks especially to Heather for baking cookies!
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